Duurzame vacatures bij Solarix | Solarix

Offene Stellenbewerbung

Wenn Sie derzeit keine Stelle sehen, auf die Sie sich bewerben möchten, Sie sich aber darauf freuen, uns auf unserer Reise in schöne, energieerzeugende Städte zu begleiten, bewerben Sie sich bitte unten, um in unseren offenen Bewerberpool aufgenommen zu werden.

(Stellentexte sind nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

We believe that at Solarix we are creating something very special. And that it is crucial that you give people the space to chart their own course. They know exactly what is urgent and what solutions should look like. Our experience in recent years: the trust you give, you get back. And that pays off again and again in better products, smarter solutions – and more job satisfaction.

Our team now consists of people with many different backgrounds: solar experts, designers, project leaders, production employees, sales employees and financial experts to make the most beautiful solar panels in the world. Together we are committed to creating beautiful solar facades and accelerating the energy transition.

Werken bij Solarix | Solarix

Working at Solarix means:

A table tennis table in the assembly hall surrounded by self-designed panels. A daily vegan lunch. A Qigong meditation on Tuesday morning. Possibly an ice bath during a team outing. Drinking special beer together in a church in Weesp. Room for balance and a healthy family life.
Read more about our mission
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And also:

Solving puzzles, almost every day. To invent the wheel. Because for some elements of what we make, such as assembly or transport, there is literally no one who has done this before. Step by step introducing a new benchmark in construction, with a multi-disciplined team from all over the world.
Get to know our team

Would you like to apply? Then take the following three steps:

1. Write a short motivation letter

We can all lose ourselves in ambition and share a lot of information. But in brevity lies the master. So we would like to invite you to explain in a maximum of half an A4 page why you are applying for a position.

2. Make your resume beautiful

(And easy to read, of course.)

3. Submit your application

We promise to read every vacancy carefully and will email you back within 10 days with a substantive response. (Even if we don't see a place for you on our team, because standard rejections are ugly.)


We are looking forward to receiving your application!

Apply now
Team Solarix 2023 | Solarix